Contact Us

Business Hours: 9am till 4pm Monday to Friday.
Closed Saturday and Sunday.
Please call for a village tour appointment or enquiry.

Our Address

39 Metford Rd, Tenambit, NSW 2323 


For Village Sales
please contact

Marcia Leadbeatter
Sales Manager
0447 271 408

For Village Matters
please contact

Ellen Lawler
Village Manager
0460 654 525

Send A Message Or Make An Enquiry

14 + 3 =

Our Location

Sales & Village Office Hours: 9am till 4pm Monday to Friday.
Closed Saturday and Sunday.
Please call for a village tour appointment or enquiry.

39 Metford Rd, Tenambit, NSW 2323   ∼

Sales: 1300 338 533  ∼   Village Manager: 0460 654 525